"Wing Stop"
(NOTE: Written below was the original podcast description upon its original release.)
Keep drooling as this week's talk is about the wing-laden Wing Stop! Running through their flavors on their menu and telling why Wing Stop's Yelp ratings are low. Also, due its high sodium, I remind you folks to take it easy when indulging on these delicious wings. Other than that, I highly recommend it!
Episode #007: Download MP3 (13.7 MB)
Duration: 10:19
Sources mentioned on the podcast:
WingStop: Wing Stop - Menu
Yelp: Wing Stop (Van Nuys, CA)
Is It Bad For You (IIBFY): Is Wing Stop Bad For You?
FoodCenter was an original podcast under FOODSOTROS. This is a KC Universal Network Original podcast series (formerly SHOWSOTROS). Soundtracks are credited to the producers, creators and those involved. No copyright was/were purposely infringed, in compliance with Fair Use. Any brand names, reviews, and/or titles mentioned on the podcast are credited to those behind the names, and are not affiliated in any way, shape or form.
This podcast episode was recorded, edited and produced for the purposes of entertainment, uploaded, with permission, from the host and from any/all other parties involved.
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